Friday, August 21, 2009


Blizzcon starts today! We are all eagerly anticipating the announcement of the new expansion: The Cataclysm. Its rumored that Azeroth is getting a makeover and updated to fit the gameplay of today.

New Features:

- Flying in the old world.
- New and old dungeons added to Azeroth
- Two new races: Worgen and Goblin.
- Level cap to 85

This is leaked info from MMO Champion so it might all be rumor. I am curious to see if it pans out.

You can find details at:;tpstart=7

Scroll to the bottom for possible new expansion info.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Avatar! Not the movie...

So I have always been one of those people who grasps to certain kind of music, or albums that become a soundtrack to my life. I have been a fan of "The Guild" web-series for some time

I can't stop (or do not want to!) checking out the video. In support of Felicia Day and her crew, I even bought the song off Amazon.

If you are in my world you will find it something you can relate to. Its neat to see a possibility of a pop star coming from a WoW type game! We want more of this Felicia!

After all, I have played WoW since its release, and it is nice to see a celebrity embrace the mmo world. It is an often misunderstood community, that can get a bad wrap, but it is no different than having a hobby such as golf, bowling, or being an avid sports fan.

It's a world of people that I can relate to and feel like I fit in with. This blog is designed to account for myself and my own avatar, Eabof, level 80 Holy Priest on the Galakrond server. Mostly, I will be focusing on healing stuff but may throw in the duality of my real life as well.


Eabof of Galakrond.